North Eastham has something for everyone to do on vacation. Charter a fishing boat out of Rock Harbor in Orleans or Wellfleet Harbor. Rent a bicycle from Idle Times or Capistrano’s. Explore the National Seashore and visit its Visitors center. Spend the day in Provincetown, see the sights and book a whale watching trip on the Dolphin. Enjoy collegiate baseball with the Orleans Cardinals or a tee time for golf in Truro, Wellfleet, Orleans, Brewster or Dennis…your choice. Play tennis on clay courts or at the public courts at the high school. Shop for souvenirs in Orleans and Hyannis home of the Kennedys; clothing shopping is especially fun because there is no tax on clothing in Massachusetts.

Treat yourself to a visit to the famous Christmas Tree stores for nautical bargains as well as holiday decorations. Their slogan is “Dontcha just love a bargain!” Take in live theatre in Orleans, Dennis or Wellfleet; or a movie at the Wellfleet Cinema after supper. Better yet…remember the Drive In? We still have one which doubles as a huge Flea Market in the daytime! Restaurants are abundant – some of our favorites are Van Rensselaer’s, C Shore, The Yardarm, The Fairway and the Bookstore. Breakfast? We recommend the Fairway, Van Rensselaer’s or the Wicked Oyster. Sightseeing, walks, tours history-First Encounter Beach where the Pilgrims first met the Indians, hiking, biking, canoe and kayaking, fishing, shell fishing, museums, craft fairs, art shows, an old-fashioned Band Concert at the Windmill on Monday evenings…the list goes on. If you have an interest ask us. We will do our best to find the information for you.